Saturday, December 31, 2011

Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus | Acep Miftah Online

Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus. Oke agan semuanya, kali ini saya akan posting dalam bahasa indonesia saja, soalnya pegel juga pake bahasa inggris, takut salah lagi.

Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus, sebuah posting yang akan saya share, dimana    akan menerangkan bagaimana supaya facebook agan kelihatan Online terus, meskipun agan sedang tidak online. Trik ini tidak membutuhkan tools, atau software yang aneh-aneh, agan hanya butuh beberapa software dan perangkat.

  1. Tentunya agan harus punya handphone, karena trik ini dijalankan di handphone.
  2. Software / Aplikasi Browser Hp. Contohnya Operamini, Bolt, UCweb, atau yang lainnya yang agan ketahui, tapi saya sarankan agan memakai operamini saja.
  3. Account YM (Yahoo! Messenger)
Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus
 Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus. Selanjutnya kalau agan belum menginstall aplikasi tersebut, install dulu dong. Nah, baru setelah diinstall, jalankan Operamini pada handphone agan. masuk lewat tab URL, atau bisa menekan #  1 (tekan # kemudian tekan 1) pada handphone agan. ketikan dan akan terbuka jendela yahoo! messenger, kalau yang tebuka nya tampilan versi Desktop, pilih versi mobile nya di bagian bawah situs atau ganti URL tadi dengan Setelah terbuka, login dengan account agan, nah setelah terbuka jendela Home pada yahoo messenger, pilih tab Teman Facebook/ Facebook Friends jika dalam bahasa inggris, kemudian jika agan belum pernah me-Link-kan YM ke facebook, pilih Link to Facebook dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya hingga terlihat sukses dan teman-teman yang online di facebook terlihat  pada tab Facebook Friends, agan bisa langsung chatting disini, tapi agan harus me-Reload atau merefresh ketika agan menginginkan pembaruan, atau menunggu balasan chatting dari teman agan.

Trik Internet, Membuat Facebook Kamu Online Terus. Terakhir, kalau agan akan keluar dari aplikasi browser, jangan me-logout yahoo! Messenger agan, supaya status login akan tetap Online meskipun keluar aplikasi dan tidak terkoneksi ke Internet. Penasaran?? Silahkan Coba Gan.....!!!

Untuk Pertanyaan, kritik dan saran, silahkan Komen.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Make Visible of Facebook Always Online

Oke friends, for this session i will try to describe and share how if you want your facebook alwas online, maybe it's just one of more tricks.


there are some tools or things what we are needed.

1. You Must have a handphone, because this trick use phone setting.
2. Download and install Operamini or other Mobile Browser for get internet access tools.
3. Yahoo! Messenger Account.

oke, if you had make or have 3 tools up, do some stage bellow :

  1. Open Operamini Software in your phone.
  2. On url address menu, type or then login with your yahoo account.
  3. In Home page of yahoo messenger you klik tab of Facebook friends and do other stage from facebook service. 
  4. if there are message that tell u Succes to connect with facebook, enjoy.. you can chatt with other facebook contact. And a trick for always Visible On Facebook, close operamini without sign out from yahoo messenger. after that your facebook will be visible on facebook.
but, you must often to see you yahoo account for some hours to see your yahoo connectivity.

Enjoy :) Sorry bad English.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Friendship Blogs | Free from AMO Blogging


Common Share with other blogger lover, and put your link in my Blog, so visitor will see your short cut link in my menu bar.

to do it, you can comment bellow, and i will reply with put yor link in my menu bar of AMO Blog.

Advertise On My Blog and Get Your Opportunity

if you want to show more to other about your enterprise, you can join with  us and put your banner what you want to display in path left or right or every post, and in more size.

for the example, look bellow :

for more information, you can call me on my phone number  +6285223699488
or send mail to

Monday, December 26, 2011

10+ Important Tools For Hackers | Aplikasinya Para Hacker

There are 10+ impportant tools for hackers, and links download for get it.

1.       Privacy KeyBoard Download here >>
2.       Stegdetect-0.4  Download here>>
3.       Rootkit Revealer v1.7.1 Download here >>
4.       Sams Big Play Maker  Download here>>
5.       ScoopLM Download here>>
6.       SNScan  Download here>>
7.       Softerra LDAP Browser Download Here>>
8.       SpyTech Spy Agent  Download Here>>
9.       Stealth File 4.0  Download Here>>
10.   StegSpy 2  Download Here>>
11.   SuperScan4 Download Here>>
13.   Tracks Eraser Pro Download Here>>
14.   wingFingerPrint-0.6.2  Download Here>>
15.   Merge Streams Download Here>>
Download and Enjoy but we are not be responsible with whatever condition after use this these tools. Thanks.

Joomla User Guide

To help you get started, check out these excellent resources for securing your server and pointers to documentation and other helpful resources.
On the Internet, security is always a concern. For that reason, you are encouraged to subscribe to the Joomla! Security Announcements for the latest information on new Joomla! releases, emailed to you automatically.
If this is one of your first Web sites, security considerations may seem complicated and intimidating. There are three simple steps that go a long way towards securing a Web site: (1) regular backups; (2) prompt updates to the latest Joomla! release; and (3) a good Web host. There are many other important security considerations that you can learn about by reading the Joomla! Security Checklist.
If you believe your Web site was attacked, or you think you have discovered a security issue in Joomla!, please do not post it in the Joomla! forums. Publishing this information could put other Web sites at risk. Instead, report possible security vulnerabilities to the Joomla! Security Task Force.
Learning Joomla!
A good place to start learning Joomla! is the "Absolute Beginner's Guide to Joomla!." There, you will find a Quick Start to Joomla! guide and video, amongst many other tutorials. The Joomla! Community Magazine also has articles for new learners and experienced users, alike. A great place to look for answers is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). If you are stuck on a particular screen in the Administrator (which is where you are now), try clicking the Help toolbar button to get assistance specific to that page.
If you still have questions, please feel free to use the Joomla! Forums. The forums are an incredibly valuable resource for all levels of Joomla! users. Before you post a question, though, use the forum search (located at the top of each forum page) to see if the question has been asked and answered.
Getting Involved
If you want to help make Joomla! better, consider getting involved. There are many ways you can make a positive difference. Have fun using Joomla!.

Learn About Webserver, and Joomla CMS to create a Website

Webserver is a software to accommodate a site on Local hosting or Online Hosting. If you want to create a website and modify easily in your computer, you must install webserver before. 
For example, you can install one of mush webserver like bellow:
-          App Serv
-          Xampp
-          Wampp
And what about joomla?
Joomla is one of much CMS (Content Management System) Which used for create a website easly, instant , dinamis, and open source.  Joomla have a much service and free, so you can create a website very cheap moreover FREE.

Share With Blogger, Very Fun!

In my first article post, I want to describe about my experience. How can do write on blog and how can we do anything in Blogger.
Oke, first you must follow that you must have email account. But, usually all people have email account and knew that.
After that, u can go to page of Blogger or other service of Blogging, like Wordpress, Blogdetik, and other. If u have go to one of more service of blog where you select, please Create Blog, or Registration, type all information needed ang lets begin to share with blog.
Maybe help you, although simple.

Friday, December 23, 2011

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